One Night in „La Boca“

Saturday,11/10 – la noche de las museos

First of all I have to announce: there arent any pictures of that particular night.

It happened to be night of the museums on saturday, what is nearly the same as in Berlin: all museums are open and for free from 8pm to 3am, moreover there are a lot of open airs shows througout the whole city.

This day we all have been a lil bit hangovered and it was quite hard to move our asses up „just“ to watch some art….and as usual, in the end, things may take an unexpected course.

We picked up Joscha (btw: muchas gracias cabrón por unas noches copadas) and walk across Puerto Madero, which is one of the nicest and most exclusive neighbourhoods in BsAs. We went to some pretty nice museos, one with a nice art collection of different time periods, the other one with crazy art, some made out of garbage and some were actually waste, but kind of entertaining.

We had the brilliant idea –  since it was night of the museums and we thought there will be a lot of people in the streets throuthout the city – to walk to a few museums and shows which take place in the harbour of „La Boca“. This is the oldest Neighboorhoud of BsAs, and actually the place where the city was founded. Nevertheless, these days its one of the poorest neighbourhoods while being very beautiful and turistic at some places. From the day we arrived at the city, everyone we met, told us, to go to la boca only by day and even so take care and get ready to get robbed. But since Joscha already knew this Barrio and we thouht this could be the savest night to pass la boca. Moreover that night we have been in kind of a mood, in which we wanted to see how this city is really running, except from all that save areas and turist shit. It was hell of a trip…we all covered our blond hair with our hoodies, never took out our phones for pictures and just tried to behave cool and argentinien, which was kind of hard in this streets of la boca due to fact, that most people looked like crack-heads or criminals or both. Anyhow, we got throught „that eye of the hurrican“ like Joscha always described that route that we were taking. And when we got to the harbour, it was worth the pain, espially because we didnt got robbed, stabbed or anything else. This night, im pretty sure, we were the only turists in la boca, and it has been an important experience to see one part of the city, which may be not beautiful and clean, but still historical and real.

Furthermore we found by accident some nice small „museums“ in the boca, which only promote local and young artist. Also, we hve seen a crazy dancing show at the harbour, where about 100 people dressed up in white and yellow danced to folklore music under  hige flag of more than 400 sqm.

We took some small snacks and had a bottle of wine –  which is brilliant here btw, no matter where you order it – and went home full of adrenalin, bu also tired and exhausted, maybe due to the fact that we already went out the 2 nights before and for walking about 10 km that night, which fear on our backs….

Sorry folks, no fotos, im sure you understand….


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5 Antworten zu „One Night in „La Boca““

  1. Avatar von G.I.Joe

    Top, aber drei Dinge:
    1. Deutsch!
    2. Wo sind die Fotos?

    1. Avatar von Leif

      Wasn das dritte ding? du trottel…
      gibt eben keene fotos, sonst gäbe es keene kamera mehr 😉
      und english extra for you, grewie, u have to go international! drop them cookies..

      1. Avatar von G.I.Joe

        There Are Two Rules For Success:

        1) Never Tell Everything You Know.

        … musst du doch am beste wissen!

        PS: Wo bleiben die Bilder?!?

        1. Avatar von Leif

          3) Know your numbers!!!

  2. Avatar von Castro

    Nice one Gringo!!! You survived! :)))

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